Material Carriers

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THEN material carriers – the right solution for any requirement.

THEN MATERIAL CARRIERS are constructed in different types according to make-up of textile goods. The sturdy construction and first-class workmanship guarantee operational reliability. The material carrier can be supplied with an automatic locking device for the dyeing machine.

  Package carriers for all types of packages and dye tubes, e. g. cones or cheeses, ribbon bobbins on flanged dye tubes etc., for metal and plastic dye tubes, axial or radial spring tubes, with triangular or perforated tubular spindles and for centerless system.

Baskets with radial liquor circulation for loose stock of native and synthetic fibres, textured Polyamide muffs, tow, surgical cotton gauze etc.
Hank yarn carriers: Steplessly adjus­table carriers for standard hanks and jumbo hanks.

Material carriers for tops for the reception of tops or bumps, suitable for high compression.
Yarn beam carrier for warp yarn or card silver and for different beam dimensions and numbers.