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Aerodynamic High Temperature Piece Dyeing Machine



THEN-Time saver®

The »THEN-Time saver®« has an effect on all the process phases downstream of dyeing: Massive timesavings being achieved through the effective use...

MoreTHEN-Time saver®
The »THEN-Time saver®« has an effect on all the process phases downstream of dyeing: Massive timesavings being achieved through the effective use of the unique THEN-AIRFLOW® »Direct Rinse« method in combination with the »Power Rinse« process. Precisely matching components are increasing these timesavings even further. The most important ones are:
The volume of pre-heated rinsing water (60 °C) per time unit can be programmed and is matched to the need for the rapid washing off of chemicals and hydrolysed dyestuff. Observation takes place via a through flow measurement device, which ensures that optimum rinsing is achieved. An optional hot water tank ensures that sufficient rinsing water is available at the right temperature.
»Volmedos« facilitates extremely, exact dyestuff and chemical dosing via a control circuit with through flow measurement device and control valve.